When the honorable judge from the Supreme Court Zambia makes any revelations, the entire country listens. This is exactly what happened few weeks earlier, when honorable Judge Mumba Malila made a testimony regarding an old case. Mumba Malila is a judge from the Supreme Court of Zambia, the highest court of any nation. Naturally, his testimony holds power and importance and this testimony has been in news for variety of reasons. This testimony is actually a group of statements given by the Judge regarding unethical and illegal activities going on which the Zambian nation.

Rajan Mahtani

One of the testimonies holds high significance as it is related to one of the most honest and transparent businessmen in Zambia, Dr. Rajan Mahtani. He is a notable business person who has established his name for ethical and moral business practices. None of his companies are known for unethical activities or corrupt practices. Even then, he is constantly targeted by unethical parties and those looking to seek revenge of any kind. While Dr. Rajan Mahtani has been able to bust majority of these faulty allegations against him, there are some cases where he was limited by the inability of the courts and government to provide true justice. The testimony from Supreme Court Judge related to one of similar situations.

According to the testimony, the 2012 case was motivated with several unethical political undertones. The case was influenced by external forces and the situation was even highlighted by Mumba Malila, who was the attorney General during that time. He requested the Tribunal to make the case null and void and also requested investigation into the matter. However, no such actions were taken and the judgment was given against Dr. Rajan Mahtani. While the testimony surely opens up regarding the unethical practices in Zambia, it is a long road ahead for honest businessmen like Dr. Rajan Mahtani before they can actually undertake these businesses without any challenges or roadblocks.

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